What could possibly be the motive behind Harry Reid’s ‘green’ energy obsession?

Why is Harry Reid browbeating the state’s electric utility company to close a coal-fired power plant and buy expensive electricity from a solar farm that a Chinese company plans to build near Laughlin?

Is it campaign money? Is it pay back time? Is it family and friends? Is it just the intoxicating thrill of wielding power?

Harry Reid (AP photo)

You’ve read about Harry’s demands of this and that over the past few years here and in the Review-Journal. Today writer Andrew Stiles pulls together a fairly good synopsis of the power grab, if you will, for The Washington Free Beacon. It is chock full of  links to the original material, much from the Review-Journal.

Stiles makes no pretense of objectivity, he builds a case. The headline offers a hint of the tone: “Dirty Harry’s Clean Energy Cronyism: How Harry Reid has been pulling strings for Chinese solar energy company.”

In writing about the ENN Mojave Energy deal, he writes about “sweetheart deals,” “pulling strings behind the scene” and “secret negotiations.”

Stiles writes about Reid going to China and visiting ENN executives there and of ENN’s chairman speaking at Reid’s 2011 “green” energy summit.

“ENN hired Richard Bryan, a Democrat who served with Reid in the U.S. Senate from 1989 to 2001, to represent the company in negotiations with state and federal officials,” the story relates. “Reid’s son Rory is a partner at Bryan’s law firm.

He mentions campaign funds, Duke Energy, sweetheart deals from the Department of Energy and stimulus money thrown at various projects and friends of Harry.

But perhaps the underlying motive can be found in the 2011 annual report of Dick Bryan’s and Rory Reid’s lawfirm Lionel Sawyer & Collins.

It speaks in glowing terms of its work for ENN:

“The company retained Lionel Sawyer & Collins in April to help it achieve its ambitious goal to build an ‘eco-city,’ including a solar panel manufacturing center and an associated 800 – 1,000-megawatt solar generating facility and a demonstration facility for cutting-edge renewable technologies with an associated research and development park. This major project, proposed for development over the next decade, is anticipated to require a capital investment of up to $5 billion and create hundreds of construction jobs by 2015 and hundreds of permanent positions during the first five years. Senator Richard Bryan led the Lionel Sawyer & Collins team in negotiating and obtaining approval for the purchase of 9,000 acres of public land near Laughlin, Nevada, from the Clark County Commission …”
Then it tells about First Solar:
“The company tapped Lionel Sawyer & Collins’ Linda Bullen to guide First Solar through the complex legal and regulatory issues associated with the development of their project in Primm, Nevada. Silver State North, a 50-megawatt PV facility, is nearing completion and will be the first solar facility located on federal land …”
Then it talks about a wind farm proposed for Reid’s hometown of Searchlight to be built by Duke Energy:

“(It) will be located on federal land administered by the Bureau of Land Management near Searchlight, Nevada. With Linda Bullen’s assistance, this project is on track to obtain federal environmental permits and approvals in 2012. The Searchlight Wind project will add to Duke Energy’s 251 megawatts of wind-generated capacity.”

Then there is the Amargosa Valley Solar project:
“A team at Lionel Sawyer & Collins led by Dan Reaser, William McKean, and Colleen Dolan assisted Amargosa Valley Solar I, LLC, in connection with the company’s permitting with the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada and federal environmental impact study process for a 500-megawatt solar electric generating facility in the Amargosa Valley, Nevada.”
Then there is that $550 million power line connecting Northern and Southern Nevada so all that “green” energy can get to market:
“Two hurdles facing the development and delivery of renewable energy sources in Nevada are connecting these often geographically remote projects to the electric grid and acquiring needed financing in a troubled economic environment. Lionel Sawyer & Collins is involved in efforts to address these issues. Mark Goldstein, Dan Reaser and Linda Bullen assisted the United States Department of Energy in the real estate, regulatory, environmental, and commercial due diligence to close a $343 million loan guarantee to develop a 500-kilovolt transmission line construction project connecting northern and southern Nevada and supporting the statewide delivery of both traditional electric generation and renewable energy sources. The line is jointly owned by Great Basin Transmission South, LLC and NV Energy. The One Nevada Transmission Line (ON Line) project will extend approximately 236 miles from the Harry Allen substation north of Las Vegas to a substation under construction west of Ely, Nevada.”
Can you imagine the billable hours involved? Can you conceive of a motive?

From lawfirm’s 2011 annual report

12 comments on “What could possibly be the motive behind Harry Reid’s ‘green’ energy obsession?

  1. Steve says:

    If any of this can made to stick. Before November. It needs to happen.
    Sadly that hole in Yucca Mountain is what got Reid his power and that was also on the backs of numerous good paying jobs.

  2. Green Ideas says:

    I’ll be honest, I thought this was a good deal until some of the details were peeled back and the reality behind what is going on was just about revealed. The behind closed door dealings with hiring people that worked for Reid seems pretty slimy. I don’t understand why America isn’t more vested in these technologies, what is the benefit of letting other countries & other companies from other countries set up shop here? Thanks for bringing some of this out in the open.

  3. Thanks for the feedback, Green Ideas. The real problem is the cost and the cronyism.

  4. Vernon Clayson says:

    It seems more obvious that Harry Reid’s second front job is not as a lobbyist for the Chinese but the Chinese interests of his friends and relatives that mean millions of dollars for them. We have to consider that his demands, and the attending pressures on private enterprises, takes attention away from Obama’s campaign for the presidency, maybe it’s not intentional or genius but when we are talking about this conscienceless galoot’s rifling of government funds to enhance the financial resources of friends and relatives we aren’t talking about Obama’s chances of continuing the conscienceless looting of American financial resources and the hideous overreach into our healthcare. The second American revolution is at the federal government level and we citizens have little or nothing to do with it. We can forget the constitution, it’s being replaced with stronger controls on us, e.g., the so called Obamacare/affordable care act, every word, sentence and paragraph in that atrocity will be parsed until it controls every part of our every day lives.

  5. Yes, Vernon, and Biden had the gall to talk about Romney-Ryan putting us in chains.


  6. […] gave the go ahead for NV Energy to continue operating the Reid Gardner coal-fired plant that Sen. Harry Reid so wants to be shut down so the company will have to buy solar power from his Chinese Communist friends who […]

  7. Mark Hatzi says:

    I only wonder how much Harry was paid for this deal, I am sure it was millions.

  8. Untraceable, I’m sure.


  9. […] about Harry Reid’s Chinese pals and their contributions to his and other campaigns. Here is another example. And this too. And still […]

  10. Anonymous says:

    This is where is son is a lobbyist as well…….this stinks

  11. […] pay no heed to the fact that all the “green” energy backers are huge contributors to Harry Reid. That is merely […]

  12. バーバリー 時計 激安

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